
green is the new black

the hulk is back!! and his hair is still strangely longer than when he's his normal self...
anyways, the new hulk is definitely more incredible than the previous one starring eric bana in 2003 where the only scene i can recall clearly is when bana was like half naked XD.

even though the recent hulk film picks up where the previous one left off (where bruce banner tries to cure his affliction and also save the world from the eeevil scary-looking mutant thing called ex-soldier-emil blonsky), the two films are not actually related. the 1st hulk's director was ang lee (surprisingly), and the latter was directed by louis letterier.

before i saw the new film, i had some doubts and thought it was gonna be like the first one. but thankfully, i was wrong. the new one has some pretty intense action scenes, and the camerawork and editing are also well done. the cat & mouse chasing scene on top of the houses was very fast paced, and it reminded me very much of the rooftop scene in the bourne ultimatum. also, the epic fight scene between the hero and the villain was like... totallybonkers!!! i think i had my mouth hanging open the whole time, and i probably looked like a retard too, being completely engrossed in the battle. some of the moves were pretty cool and creative, but at times, the fight looked kind of like a video game. i'm not a big fan of video games.

but overall, The Incredible Hulk did not disappoint, and edward norton's very talented.


i can't think of a title because i'm speechless

i sprained my ankle pretty bad, so now i'm in a cast stuck in my bed and i can't move, and i feel extremely claustrophobic in my room and i just might go jump off a cliff. if only i can move.
the good thing about this situation is that i get to watch lots of films (even though my eyes might go blind). yayyy!!
so today, i watched Amelie again. it's such a sweet and magical film, i never get tired of it.
then afterwards, i saw Fur: an Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus, a film i'd wanted to see for a long time. 

the film's a fictional biography of the famous photographer Diane Arbus (nicole kidman), and how she fell in love with a furry man (literally) named Lionel (robert downey jr. (he was completely different in iron man)) who inspired her to be the great photographer that she came to be. prior to meeting lionel, diane was a shy mother who was always walking in her successful husband's shadow. although she had her own dreams, diane worked as her husband's assistant in their home studio. after meeting lionel, she became more and more carefree and adventurous and lionel opened up a whole new world for her.

the conversations between diane and lionel were quite intriguing and sometimes humorous in the way they were delivered. the chemistry between the characters was great, and at times it made me feel like i was intruding on their privacy. their every action showed their hesitant love and longing for each other.

nicole kidman's portrayal of Diane is exquisite and brilliant. her every subtle blinking and shifting of the eyes (which the camera often zoomed in on) showed her character's true emotions, and i could actually feel what diane was feeling - love, fright, joy, pain, confusion. 
robert downey jr. did a fantastic job playing lionel, an outsider who suffers from multiple physical and emotional sicknesses. those three words that he uttered to diane near the end of the film were so rare and heartfelt that i got a glimpse of what true love really looks like.  

this film is hard to describe, it's like weird and unique and lovely and artsy and suspenseful and bittersweet and breathtaking all at the same time. it moved me very much, and i cried like a loser at a scene near the end where normal people wouldn't cry over (when diane was breathing lionel's breath). my mom thought i was retarded. i guess i just get emotional over the little things.

fur is such a beautiful touching and unforgettable story, i think it's now one of my favorite films.


i'm back!!

yep, totally


o noooo the world has come to an end

so this is what the end feels full of sorrow and nostalgia.

the art of film was an amazing and extremely refreshing class. i feel so enlightened. it taught me a lot of things about film that i never knew before, and how to see things through different perspectives. i now watch films with new respect.

i had so much fun in art of film and now that it's over, i'm going to be depressed for the rest of my life. just kidding.
it should be a full year course since it's totally enriching and insightful. i miss it already. *sniffles*

mr. D deserves a round of applause for his hard work, ingenuity, and funny jokes!


ooooh my god.

"cinema paradiso
" is soooo freakin awwwwwesomely brilliant. it's definitely one of the better ones we saw in class, if not the best. this film is the reason why i find foreign films so intriguing. it shows us a different view of the world that's full of imagination and beauty and how wonderful life can be (but often taken for granted). the story of this film is very heartwarming, and the bond between toto and his friend alfredo (philippe noiret) is very sweet.

"cinema paradiso" is a film about film. it starts with the old toto looking back on his childhood upon hearing the death of his beloved friend alfredo, and it takes us through young toto's (salvatore cascio) journey into adulthood and his love for film and a girl named elena (agnese nano). both characters, young toto and alfredo are very likable. toto is a curious and clever kid, and alfredo is kind and sort of a child himself. the chemistry between them is amazing.

even though the film is over two hours long and has a few long dialogues, i wasn't bored at all. it had the opposite effect on me. the film is so magical, yet unbelievably real. i didn't want it to end. it's truly a piece of art.